In recent times, Bord na Móna has gone through radical change, announcing the new “Brown to Green” strategy, moving away from peat, and focusing on renewable energy, recycling, and peatland rehabilitation operations. A key objective of this strategy involves using the land to continue to underpin Ireland’s energy independence by developing green, sustainable energy sources to assist with Ireland’s commitment to achieve 80% renewable electricity by 2030.
In line with this strategy, Bord na Móna is proposing to develop a wind farm within the Ballivor Bog Group located in Counties Meath and Westmeath. This Bog Group consists of the following bogs: Ballivor, Bracklin, Carranstown, Lisclogher and Lisclogher West.
The proposed development will be known as Ballivor Wind Farm.
Project Outline
We intend to develop the proposed wind farm on the Ballivor, Bracklin, Carranstown, Lisclogher and Lisclogher West bogs located in Counties Meath and Westmeath.
Bord na Móna has developed a final wind turbine layout for the proposed Ballivor Wind Farm.
Project Updates
We are committed to keeping the local community informed about the project with regular updates, information about public events and newsletters.
Queries and FAQs
We understand that you will have questions about the wind farm and have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions.

Community Benefits
